Webinar on compliance of Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO) in Chile and Uruguay according to the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive (RED) had more than 200 attendees

A webinar coordinated by the Regional Business Development Network of the Embassies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latin America, in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate and Green Growth of the Netherlands, took place on July 23rd.

More than 200 people from 18 countries connected to listen to the presentation made by Hinicio, aimed at developers of efuels projects and public entities that support the production and export of synthetic fuels to the Netherlands/EU. The webinar covered the following topics:

  • EU regulations on renewability of electricity and CO2 sources and local compliance
  • Monitoring, verification and certification processes
  • H2Global‘s additional sustainability requirements
  • Recommendations for complying with RFNBO requirements in Chile and Uruguay

Image Credit: Innovation News Network

Tags: #RFNBO #Chile #Uruguay #CombustiblesSinteticos #efuels @Nuria_Hartmann @Erik_Plaisier @María_de_los_Ángeles_Valenzuela_Armijo @Karla_Chace